
5th Congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE 2014) -1-

  • IVF大阪
  • IVFなんば
開催日 平成26年4月4日~6日
発表者氏名 演題名
医局部門 伊藤啓二郎 Administration of Sai-rei-tou and cabergoline is effective to prevent severe OHSS
研究部門 橋本周 Neonatal data after transfer of blastocyst vitrified using a closed system
培養環境部門 西原卓志 Correlation of oxidative stress biomarkers in human follicular fluid with outcome in assisted reproduction cycles
生殖技術部門 柴田美智子 Birth weight following vitrified-warmed embryo transfer was higher than those in non-ART and fresh embryo transfer.
看護部門 湯浅美紀 The preservation of fertility in patients with malignant disease; a case report