
5th Congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE 2014) -2-

  • IVF大阪
  • IVFなんば
開催日 平成26年4月4日~6日
発表者氏名 演題名
生殖技術部門 幸池明希子 Influence of re-vitrified human blastocyst on laboratory data, clinical outcomes and resulting babies
生殖技術部門 松本寛史 The relationship of tubal status with ovarian reserve and pregnancy rate of cleaved embryo transfer
培養環境部門 灘本圭子 The relationship between follicular diameter and serum estradiol (E2) in in vitro maturation, in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVM-IVF)
生殖技術部門 小林亮太 Incidence of mosaicism in chromosomally abnormal human embryos detected by array-CGH.